For video recordings of recorded events, please see below.
Adult Education Ministry - Formation Program
Mission statement
The mission statement of the 'Adult Education Formation Program' is to provide a spirit-filled and intellectually challenging adult education component to the ministries of Mary of Magdala, increasing the depth and dimension of what our community has to offer it's members and all seekers.
If you have questions or interested in joining the Adult Education Ministry, please connect with Rosean Amaral at 970-692-4238 or via the Mary of Magdala email address - marymagdalaFC@gmail.com
Scroll down to see both current offerings and past video recordings of presentations.
We embrace
the teachings of Jesus Christ handed
down through the Apostolic tradition
Information and video recordings of past educational presentations.
In a two-part series, Rick Klein weaves together the lives and teachings of four modern mystics to create a fabric upon which we can trace our unique spiritual paths within the common spiritual journey of all humanity. This first talk presents the stories of Native American mystic Black Elk and Jewish mystic Etty Hillesum.
To view the video of Part I (one of two) - please click here
Handout about Black Elk Handout about Etty Hillesum
In this second session, Rick focuses less on the lives and more on the teachings of Beatrice Bruteau and Thomas Berry which in both cases are especially relevant to today's world and our future. At the end, Rick draws together all the teachings into an integrated body of beliefs.
To view the video of Part II (two of two) - please click here
Handout about Beatrice Breteau Handout about Thomas Berry
WINTER 2017 - SPRING 2018 —A Tale of Two Kenyas
John Nystrom, Feb 25, 2018 - To view the video of this event click here
March 4, 2018, THE PAPER BAG CREW—CSU Students.
The paper bag crew is exploring “the world of homelessness through more than just statistics.”
Come hear how a group of university students are helping to feed the hungry by distributing sack lunches to the homeless and transient populations of Fort Collins. To view the video of this event click here
Tom Christen, board member, and coordinators from Mary of Magdala, Trinity, and St. Paul’s will discuss their interfaith effort to coordinate services to families experiencing homelessness. Fellowship, case management, safe overnight lodging, meals and a family day center, help families be-come self-sufficient.
To view the video of this event click here
Rick Klein will present "Beginnings (and endings) Invitations to the Mystical Journey."
Rick weaves together the teachings of Richard Rohr and Ken Wilber to create a map of the spiritual journey that provides unique insights into the state of our world, our communities and our individual lives. We will also explore the lives of several mystics to discover how they answered the mystical invitation.
Rick Klein facilitates and teaches spiritual direction in the Benedictine Spiritual Formation Program at the Benet Hill Monastery in Colorado Springs, CO.
Sunday soup suppers
December 10: Video December 17: Video
NOVEMBER 2017 History and Heritage
History and Heritage of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion
A wonderful 10-min video by Presiding Bishop Francis Krebs is now available
to view on-line. Bishop Francis reviews our history and distinctives.
Recommended for all! Click here
ECC 101
A 90 Minute recording of an interactive presentation-- prepared by our ECC-Rocky Mountain Regional Council -- is designed to help communities gain a common understanding about our foundation, our way of being church together and our legacy. It answers what it means to be a member of the ECC, and a ‘communion of communities.’ We will review the sacramental nature of the ECC, the history and leadership structure. Click here.
OCTOBER 2017 Images of Mary in the Mysteries of the Rosary
On Wednesday, October 18, from 7-8:30 pm, Adult Education will host an evening of prayer and meditation entitled "Images of Mary in the Mysteries of the Rosary." Michael Trujillo's flute will call us into a meditative space where we can sit in silence surrounded by images of Mary. We will end the evening by praying the Rosary. Please join us for this honoring of our Spiritual Mother.
Through the OSHER program at CSU
"The Gift of Your Story: Writing a Spiritual Autobiography" will be offered as a 6-week class beginning November 1st, 4-6p.m. by Laurie Gudim – retired psychotherapist with extensive experience in lay leadership in the Episcopal Church, and training in eliciting spiritual autobiographies from people of all faith traditions.
This is offered through Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at CSU. Don't miss this incredible opportunity! For general information, https://www.online.colostate.edu/osher/ .
SEPTEMBER 2017 A Peace Corps Adventure
"A Peace Corps Adventure: The Hardest Job You’ll Ever Love." an evening with Chris and Francis Gaebler.
Wednesday, September 20, at St Paul's Episcopal Church Fellowship Hall, 7-8:30 pm
In this presentation, Chris and Francis hope to give us a brief glimpse into the life and work of a Peace Corps Volunteer and into the lives, geography, and culture of the beautiful country of Costa Rica.
To view the video of this event, click here.
2016 ADVENT SOUP SUPPERS/TALK (Handouts/ video links below)
Advent soup suppers and presentations will begin on Sunday, November 27, after Mass, and continues Dec. 4, 11, and 18th. The title of this series is: Into the Fire: An Evolutionary Journey through the Mystical Heart of Advent. Presenter Rick Klein will explore the basic teachings of Teilhard de Chardin with a special emphasis on how they can be applied to the season of Advent.
Please join us for four evenings of prayer, exploration and discovery
Rick Klein facilitates and teaches spiritual direction in the Benedictine Spiritual Formation Program at the Benet Hill Monastery in Colorado Springs, CO.
Session #1 - Nov 27th 2016 - Handout and video link
Session #2 - Dec 4th 2016 - Handout and video link
Session #3 - Dec 11th 2016 - Handout and video link
Session #4 - Dec 18th 2016 - Handout 1, Handout 2, Handout 3 and video link

Sunday June 17, 2016: Suzanne King presented "The Beatitudes: A Recipe for Life." Lenten Soup
Supper Series
Sunday , June 5 2016:. Fr Stan Manickam presented "The Future of God: A discussion of Deepak Chopra's book."
Sunday Mar 6, 2016: Fr Len Schreiner presented "The Voice of a Chaplain" Lenten Soup Supper Series
Sunday Feb 28, 2016: Dr Janet Seeley and Peggy Budai presented "The Conversation Project, part 2: Sharing the Care Campaign" Lenten Soup Supper Series
Older Presentations
Tuesdays, Oct 4-Nov 8 2016 at Noon to 1:30p: Suzanne King will lead study on "The Prophetic Perspective of John"
All are welcome to join, one session or all sessions. We will meet in St. Paul's education building (across the walkway from the church.)
Flyer Information
Sunday Feb 21, 2016: Dr Janet Seeley and Peggy Budai presented "The Conversation Project, part 1" Lenten Soup Supper Series
Sunday Jan 24, 2016, 3:00 - 4:30: Stan Henk presented "Desert Mothers and Fathers"
Sundays Dec 6, 13, 20, 2015: "Making Room" Advent Series
Sun Dec 6 6:30-8 PM Patricia Raybon - The Living Room Chronicles with Christ Video
Sun Dec 13 6:30-8 PM Laurie Gudim Making Room - God in the Dark Season Video
Sun Dec 20 6:30-8 PM Rosean Amaral - Recovering Hospitality as a Christian Tradition Video