Social Justice Ministry
Mission Statement
Truly, I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40
Responding to the gospel call, the Mary of Magdala Social Justice Ministry serves as a resource and catalyst for individuals and community groups to put faith into action. By partnering with other communities in and outside the ECC, we respond to local and global needs in ways that help, not hurt. Beyond acts of charity, we aspire to contribute to and help drive lasting change in solidarity with and preference for the poor.
Our Work - to put faith into action
Supplicate: pray for justice Educate: become informed
Advocate: motivate change Participate: walk the talk
We Respond To The Gospel Call
And put faith into action
Focus Areas (Summary)
Faith, Family, Hospitality (Jean Christen)
WADSO – Madonna Hospital, Peanut Butter House (Cindy Cloyd)
ISAAC/Immigration (Lisa Jones, Francis Gaebler)
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation (Lisa & Tom Moos
Turkeys for Larimer County Food Bank (Len Russ)
Joint Social and Eco Justice with Trinity Lutheran and St Paul’s (Tom Moos)
Ministry Members & Meetings
Chair: Tom Moos (email: Tjmoos@aol.com )
From top left clockwise
Len Russ
Tom and Lisa Moos
Gentrice Petrie
Francis Gaebler
David Cloyd
Laura Templet
Lisa Jones
Jean Christen
Cindy Cloyd (center)
Grace Robinson
Mary Lou Devlin
We meet quarterly (typically in January, April, July, October) to plan projects, provide updates, and to determine the distribution of tithes allocated for social justice purposes from the Mary of Magdala budget. We always welcome new members. Parishioners interested in participating should contact the committee chair person.

Focus Areas (Some Details)
Family Housing Network
Mary of Magdala joins St Paul's Episcopal as support parishes for Christ United Methodist which hosts homeless families during a one-week stay approximately quarterly. Mary of Magdala assists with cooking and provides evening and overnight hosts. There are also opportunities to help at the day center.
More information about Faith, Family, Hospitality can found at http://www.faithfamilyhospitality.org/
Recognizing that we are called to respond to needs both locally and globally, Mary of Magdala provides financial support for two of the West African Development Support Organization’s projects: Madonna Hospital and The Peanut Butter House. Madonna Hospital in Nigeria specializes in ophthalmology, orthopedics and surgery and serves a rural population of predominately poor people More information about Madonna Hospital can be found at http://wadso.org/madonna-hospital.
The Peanut Butter House in Liberia produces and distributes fortified peanut butter for severely malnourished children. More information can be found at: http://wadso.org/current-projects/peanut-butter-house.
Mary of Magdala is a member of ISAAC, https://www.facebook.com/ISAACNorthernColorado/, serving the needs of Immigrants and the Latino population in northern Colorado. We are raising awareness of immigration issues at the US/Mexico border by participating in educational seminars and the Border Servant Corps immersion program.
Pine Ridge
Mary of Magdala has sent supplies and participated in construction/winterization projects on the reservation. Our current focus is support of One Spirit, https://www.onespiritlakota.org/.
We always welcome new members. Parishioners interested in participating should contact the committee chair person.