Finance Committee
Mission Statement - The finance committee manages the church’s finances, including budgets, collections, reimbursements, taxes, payments, and compliance with state and federal requirements for incorporation and non-profit status. It also advises the leadership council on financial matters.
Goals - To steward the Mary of Magdala community’s financial resources in a responsible, transparent, and just way.
We Are Grateful
For parishioner's ongoing generosity
Call to Participate
The work of the finance committee has been made immensely easier by the generosity of the Mary of Magdala community.The community’s contributions have kept the church in strong financial standing and enabled Mary of Magdala to pay its bills, hire staff, promote religious education, and continue to tithe.The finance committee remains grateful for parishioners’ ongoing generosity.
Parishioners interested in participating in finance committee should contact Yvonne Wootten at marymagdalfc@gmail.com.
We welcome:
Children interested in helping take up the collection;
Adults to help count the collection on an ad hoc basis on weekends when finance committees are out of town;
New committee members (We currently have a full committee, but would welcome additional members to allow long-serving ones to rotate off periodically.)
Committee Members

Committee Chair: Yvonne Wootten marymagdalfc@gmail.com
Other committee members: Jim Berry, Kristin Crawford (bookkeeper), Ann Russel, Mary Vogl
The committee’s history and look into the future
The committee began in May of 2012. At each of the first several impromptu liturgies between December 2011 and April 2012, attendees gave generously, mostly by writing checks to Jared or Becky Orsi. This money was used to pay the churches that lent the community worship space, to purchase basic liturgy supplies, and to offer honorariums for the presiders. But as the money grew and began to exceed what was needed for those purposes, Jared felt the need for more transparency and accountability. He and Jim Berry, Kristin Crawford, and Larry Shilhanek formed a finance committee. Consulting the members of the steering committee, which at the time was exploring possibilities for formalizing the community, the committee contacted finance committees at Light of Christ (Longmont) and Holy Family (Las Cruces) for guidance. The community formally incorporated as an organization in the state of Colorado in May 2012. A bank account was opened that same month, and the committee met to establish procedures for paying bills, reimbursing volunteers, and keeping track of the community’s finances. One of the first things the committee agreed to was a commitment to tithe—to give away at least ten percent of income to support charity and promote social justice—a commitment the community has kept ever since.