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November Mass and Service Schedule - For Recorded Readings and Homilies, click here


All Sunday Masses are celebrated live in the church
Sanctuary and on Zoom unless otherwise noted below. (No 5:00 pm Mass)


Wednesday Weekday Mass, 11:00 am

Mother Rosean celebrates weekly Mass at 11:00 AM on Wednesday in the Fireside room. (No Zoom available

Sunday Masses at 12:30 unless otherwise noted

January 5- Feast of the Epiphany

R. Jane Reina presiding. In-person and with Zoom Link  Meeting ID - 431 502 8167

January 12- Baptism of Jesus

M. Rosean Amaral presiding. In-person and with Zoom Link  Meeting ID - 431 502 8167

January 19- Martin Luther King Jr. Day

F. Michael Nicosia presiding. In-person and with Zoom Link  Meeting ID - 431 502 8167

January 26- Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

R. Jane Reina presiding. In-person and with Zoom Link  Meeting ID - 431 502 8167

"...listen and respond to the Spirit's leading and action..."
(Rocky Mountain Regional Council, ECC

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