Mary of Magdala Community joins with St. Paul's Episcopal eand Trinity Lutheran to serve homeless families
Mary of Magdala joins St Paul's Episcopal as support parishes for Christ United Methodist hosting of homeless families in the 'Overnight Shelter Program.'
This program managed through "Family Housing Network" is an interfaith volunteer effort coordinating the services to families experiencing homelessness. In partnership with 30 Fort Collins faith communities FHN provides fellowship, case management, safe overnight lodging, meals, and a family day center
to help families become self-sufficient. Mary of
Magdala assists with cooking and provides
evening and overnight hosts.
Visit Family Housing Network's website to find out
about their other services in case management,
day center and transitional housing.

We actively engage
in many just causes inspired by the Gospel
Come and join us!
"If we are not marginalized ourselves in some way, we normally need to associate with some marginalized group to have an enlightened Gospel perspective and to be converted to compassion." (Richard Rohr)
Jesus' own words tell us to feed the hungry and shelter the homeless. And shouldn't we be especially responsive to the children and families in our own community of Fort Collins?
We invite all to join us in this rewarding ministry.
For more information or to volunteer, contact Jean Christen at marymagdalaFC@gmail.com
Lynne Barnes: Co-coordinator, email: lynne2820@gmail.com
ph: 970-223-2820.

Jean Christen, Coordinator